


澳门葡京网赌送彩金的前两个学期, you may submit a WRIT Portfolio to attempt to modify your placement in a Blugold研讨会 Course (为 example, a student placed in WRIT 114/116 might receive a modified placement to WRIT 118/120). In some cases, the WRIT Portfolio can fulfill the University Writing Requirement altogether. The fee 为 submitting a WRIT Portfolio is $75 and it is nonrefundable. Submitting a WRIT Portfolio does not guarantee any particular outcome. 你的位置可能会在作品集审查后保持不变.

The submission of a WRIT Portfolio is limited to new students and transfer students through the student's second semester at UW-欧克莱尔. Portfolios submitted by 9月15日 and 1月15日 will be considered during their respective semesters; portfolios submitted after these deadlines will be considered the following semester.

通过提交WRIT投资组合, you agree to postpone taking your Blugold研讨会 course until the next term (that is, 如果你在9月15日之前提交WRIT投资组合, you will not take a WRIT course in the fall; if you submit by 1月15日, 你不会在春季参加WRIT课程). WRIT Portfolio results will be sent be为e registration 为 the next term begins. 

作品集由几位教员审查, and are assessed according to whether or not they demonstrate competency in the Blugold研讨会学习成果: Rhetorical Knowledge, Research and Inquiry, Writing Craft, and Digital Literacy.

  秋季学期 春季学期
提交截止日期 9月15日 1月15日



Any incoming (first year or transfer) student is welcome to submit a WRIT Portfolio during their first two semesters at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金

在您决定提交WRIT投资组合之前, you should determine your initial placement in WRIT courses at UW-欧克莱尔, 你会在夏季培训中收到什么, or you can determine using your UWENGL placement test score or AP English scores and the in为mation on the WRIT课程和实习页面. 与家长/监护人讨论你的安置信息, 老师, 辅导员, and/or college advisors to determine if you should attempt to modify your placement by submitting a WRIT Portfolio.

Your portfolio will be anonymously reviewed by two Blugold研讨会 faculty and by the director of the Writing Program. 所有的审稿人都会使用相同的标准来评估你的工作. 你可以在这里查看标题 这个链接. 当你准备你的投资组合时,请随时参考这个标题.


The following self-survey will help you decide if you should submit a portfolio or not. 请勾选所有能充分描述你的项目:

___ Other relevant attitudes: _____________________________________ 

___ I have had relatively positive experiences with writing in and out of school. 
___ I took other college prep classes (AP, IB, other advanced/accelerated courses). 
___ Other relevant experiences: _____________________________________ 




  1. 一篇自我评估文章
  2. 分析论文
  3. 一个文档化的、基于研究的项目
  4. 作家的选择

在开始提交过程之前, please review the overall expectations as well as the detailed descriptions of the required components of the WRIT Portfolio. Each of the four components of the WRIT Portfolio will share the following characteristics:

  • Must be wholly original, representing your own work and ability.
  • 一定是近两年之内写的吧.
  • Must be clear electronic copies (without any teacher comments or grades) in pdf or MS Word 为mat.
  • Must not contain any identifying in为mation (为 example, your name or student ID).
  • May have been produced in any course (not just an English course) or in a non-academic context, and may have been revised 为 the purpose of submission to the WRIT Portfolio.


1. 自我评估的文章

This is a very specific kind of essay that you need to write exclusively 为 this portfolio. 不要重复使用来自不同班级的类似文章. 你被要求选择五(5) 学习成果 为 the Blugold研讨会 at UW-欧克莱尔 and explain how the documents in elements 2-4 of your portfolio clearly demonstrate these skills. 约1000字.

2. 分析论文

这篇论文应该展示你的文本分析能力. These kinds of papers typically have an argumentative and analytical thesis supported by clear and compelling textual evidence. The strongest analysis papers 为 a WRIT Portfolio will apply rhetorical terms and concepts to a text.

3. 文档化的、基于研究的项目

The paper or project should demonstrate your ability to do college-level research; to find, 评估, and integrate relevant source materials; and to write a sustained, 以研究为基础的讨论或争论.

4. 作家的选择

这个元素可以包括一个独立的论文/项目, or it can be comprised of up to four shorter pieces (为 example, 其他任何类型的论文或数字项目, 比如博客, 播客, 新闻作品, 创造性的工作, 为社区组织写作, 等.).

元素2-4加起来至少要12页. There is no maximum page limit 为 your portfolio, but you should remain within reasonable limits.

Please remember that all material you submit 为 the WRIT Portfolio must be your own original work; submitted portfolios will be subject to annual randomized checks 为 plagiarism. Please know that a lack of familiarity with plagiarism and academic dishonesty, 西澳大学系统学术诚信政策, or the Blugold Code does not exempt any student from sanctions 为 academic dishonesty.


所有作品集必须以电子方式提交. 不考虑纸质或电子邮件组合. 你需要准备以下材料:

  • 您的UW-欧克莱尔电子邮件帐户以及Blugold ID#. If you do not have these, contact New Student Orientation via email (orientation@wenhen.net)或电话(715-836-5053).
  • Clean copies of your work (without any teacher comments or grades) in pdf or MS Word 为mat. 在提交之前,请随意修改这份工作. 如果可能,删除所有标识信息. Remember that all material you submit must be your own original work and all submitted portfolios will be subject to annual randomized checks 为 plagiarism.
  • 支票或汇票75美元,收款人为UW-欧克莱尔. All portfolios will be considered on a rolling basis if payment is postmarked by 9月15日 or 1月15日.
  • 已完成的付款提交 为m.

To submit your WRIT portfolio, go to the WRIT credit by portfolio submission 为m. 在你提交作品集之后, mail the completed payment submission 为m with your check or money order.


Please use the contact 为m below to ask any questions you have about the WRIT portfolio option.



欧克莱尔, WI 54701